
Welcome to my new site. I plan to use it to explore ideas through writing, visualizations, and learning activities.

“If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not really learning.”

Sylvia Riessner

Quick profile

I’m a retired instructor / facilitator of online or blended learning opportunities for adults. I worked in BC and Yukon as an edtech support person and instructional / learning designer, as well as a facilitator for community groups or social enterprises.

  • BA (Communications), Simon Fraser University
  • Master (Educational Technology), University of BC
  • Instructor, Facilitating Learning Online, BCcampus
  • Instructional Skills Workshop Facilitator

I am still curious (and often inquisitive) about how educational theory and research apply to ‘real-life’ and how different approaches to learning new things works for older adults.

And I plan to blog about whatever interests me – often things that may not have anything to do with education at all 😉

Contact Me

If something catches your interest, or you have a question or comment, please fill out this form –>