Free-range learning

  • Ss-S-SoTL…brightening up a gloomy Friday the 13th!

    Looks like I was stumbling as I typed my title eh? Nope, I was thinking about the "scholars" I met at Simon Fraser University's downtown campus, who were part of a wide-ranging exploration of current inquiry and completed research at the Symposium for Scholarly Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Despite taking place on the…

  • A mostly open journey thru ETUG’s Fall Unconference

    We began and ended in the open. Friday, November 6th was the long-awaited ETUG Fall Unconference!  We gathered together at VCC's downtown campus (formerly known as VVI) and, after some opening remarks and housekeeping, were plunged into the virtual public meeting place created by the UDG Agora "Dream Team" led by Tannis Morgan, JIBC's Associate…

  • Online learning activities jam – messy learning!

    Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since I wrapped up my first open online learning seminar with the wonderful SCoPE community. I have always enjoyed the interesting discussions and activities and people you meet during these open seminars and had benefited so much from this community when I lived and worked up north. It…

  • So long, and thanks for all the fish…

    Six weeks has just flown by and I received the final notice from the UNSW MOOC – Learning to Teach Online on Sunday, August 16th ! Although I wasn’t able to be as involved as I had hoped, I gathered some great ideas, contributed some good resources back, and participated (lightly) in the online forums.…

  • Two weeks is 2 short…

    Or, to look at it another way, maybe thinking about motivation, asking questions to guide planning, selecting a type of learning activity (and potential tools) and developing a plan and a prototype is too much to deal with 4 two weeks? Some might have found that they felt like their "cup was overflowing"? I've thought…

  • Let the games (learning) begin…

    SCoPE open seminar\ Creating Engaging Online Learning Activities JAM August 1-15, 2015 We're off to a great start (despite inadvertently starting on a B.C. holiday weekend with perfect weather) with a growing group of educators with diverse (and extensive) backgrounds and a shared interest in developing more engaging online learning activities. Thanks to SylviaC for…

Got any book recommendations?