Honouring Indigenous Writers

What have you been reading lately? Are you part of a book club? Have any of the books you’ve been reading been written by indigenous writers? I’m guessing (perhaps unfairly) that you might have to say “No”?

Well, here’s your chance to change that. Get to know an indigenous writer – make the effort to read and hear the voice from another culture – and it’s much easier to do over the next week. What’s special about the first week of March? It’s Open Education week and, UBC is hosting an event to raise the profile of indigenous writers AND benefit Wikipedia!

Although I missed the first event – a Reading with Smokii Sumac and Daniel Heath Justice, (they’ve posted a recording), I’m signing up for the rest AND exploring the possibilities of the Weekly Activities shared by the folks at UBC – if you’re nervous about contributing to Wikipedia (a lot of rules!), this is a great array of options for you to check out. I’ll be doing it cuz I have to admit I’ve skated around contributing to Wikipedia because of all the rules and policies in the way! This is a chance to engage with Indigenous writers AND learn how to add value to one of the most commonly used and cited online sites – Wikipedia.

Talk about two birds with one stone! What can you lose – check it out and get involved.

Honouring Indigenous Writers – Weekly Activities




